#and like others obviously but those are for examples or like constructicons vs dinobots or smth
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hercarisntyours · 1 month ago
does cybertron have olympics or smth similar because if not that's lunacy they should it'd be hilarious
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ganymedesclock · 6 years ago
do you think that Sari is somewhat Megatron's daughter? like her protoform was very different than the usual design and it all of a sudden appeared in Sumdac's lab right near Megatron's head, bit weird to be a coincidence. It would also be pretty neat of setting up an angle between the two of how Megatron was planning an heir or something like that but circumstance landed Sari in the care of autobots. maybe even show how Megatron may even "care in some way for his progeny if he found out.
To break your claim down into a couple of parts here, you’re suggesting:
1. Sari is biologically related to Megatron, and 2. this may awaken some parental sentiment in Megatron on her behalf.
Which I will say, I am deeply skeptical of both those claims.
Regarding the first: While Transformers Animated can be a bit inconsistent with what is and isn’t a cybertronian thing (see Bulkhead being confused what a girl is in Transform And Roll Out part 2 vs. Blackarachnia casually calling herself a female bot in Along Came A Spider) one thing that has not been challenged is the implications of Optimus asking about where baby humans come from in Home Is Where The Spark Is.
The fact that Optimus is first confused about babies and second, mortified at the implications of copulation would pretty clearly imply to us cybertronians are actively separate from their own process of biological reproduction. The implication here is that cybertronians are much like, say, bees or other hive/colony insects, where the majority of, if not all sapient cybertronians, are sexless- they do not reproduce and do not have organs for reproduction.
If anything, this is doubled down upon, once in Garbage In, Garbage Out when Ratchet, a medic, is very obviously wrongfooted in dealing with the pregnant woman- this is not a situation that cybertronians have any easy equivalent for.
Whatever the reproducing “queen” of the cybertronian “hive” is, whether there’s a single one or many, and if it reproduces with any consorts is an unknown- but fair to assume that queen or queens are very few and far between. As I noted, in Transwarped, while Ratchet has been calling Sari a “protoform” dismissively for most of the series, he, nor Optimus, Bulkhead, or Bumblebee seem to know what a protoform looks like. Again, this is another implication that for cybertronians, childbirth and child-rearing are not the everyday person’s job. And in Autoboot Camp, Bee excitedly talks to Wasp about being made from the same mold.
That would tell us childbirth isn’t just not handled by the public- it’s centralized and standardized. That’s not something biological structures like ours, where pairs of people with compatible biology are responsible for the child-rearing- could pull off without a LOT of artificial parameters on it.
In short, this would tell us that cybertronians don’t have biological parents at all. The closest they would come is interactions that seem culturally parental- the very protective and gruff, mentoring attitude Ratchet takes to the rest of the Bridge Crew is something that many viewers would point to as fatherly behavior.
Because cybertronians biologically do not have parents, this affects how they view rare situations where there is an obvious biological donor. Starscream’s clones are all physically derived from him- but none of them view him as a father and he obviously doesn’t view them as his children.
As a result, even if Megatron somehow was a physiological donor to Sari... first, this would be an abnormal situation. Second, he wouldn’t even have the cultural framework to suggest he should feel particularly parental about it.
Regarding the second point: one has to consider that Megatron has very actively given life to several entities throughout the course of Transformers Animated, and taken a guiding / leading position to several other young, new beings. This is, again, given the “there really isn’t the concept of parenthood on Cybertron”, the closest we’re gonna see to cybertronian parent-child relationships without some Earth influence (Sari, for example, does actively view Isaac as her father, but this is because she was raised in human culture which has these connections).
Megatron’s relationship with Soundwave, the Dinobots- even the Constructicons- is actively abusive in nature.
While he talks up the idea that he agrees with Soundwave, and similarly voices encouragements to Grimlock, Megatron in practice treats them as disposable experiments who he never even intended to be people, and once they do become people, he does not take responsibility for them.
With the Constructicons, Megatron lies to them, bribes them, orders them around, and, then, ultimately, indoctrinates them into the Decepticons with a process that involves physically branding them, causing them pain, and changing things about their bodies without their consent. He also doesn’t inform or warn them at all ahead of time.
We can broaden this out to look at pretty much every other onscreen relationship Megatron has, and it’s fair to say no matter how personally connected to someone he is, we have literally never seen Megatron actually engage with someone in a way that is not abusive and exploitative. If anything, the younger, more impressionable, or more personally connected to Megatron himself a particular individual is, the more Megatron’s inclined to try and manipulate them.
So Megatron is in effect kind of a father figure to a lot of his subordinates- specifically an abusive patriarch.
I think it’s also worth noting in Lost And Found, when the Allspark is trying to warn Sari off her path of sabotaging Omega’s body, what it conjures to scare her is a looming, nightmare silhouette of Megatron which Sari is noticeably completely terrified by. I say “noticeably” because Sari is rarely scared of opponents immediately- the closest she gets is being stressed out by the Constructicons in Sari, No One’s Home, but, even then, several times in that episode she stubbornly confronts them.
And, yet, the silhouette of Megatron has her cowering, running away, nearly throwing herself out into the ocean and needing to be rescued she’s so afraid.
If that’s an implication Sari has some faint, distant baby memories of Megatron... he’s a figure from her nightmares, not her dreams of warmth and safety. And Sari’s, again, someone pretty notably not scared of a lot of the giant robots in her setting before she has any idea she’s related to them- if she’s terrified of Megatron, there’s a reason for that, and not just because he’s big and has a gun on his arm.
Now, given Megatron’s very prone to experimentation and very prone to creating new beings- and also fascinated by the Allspark, which Sari is obviously connected to- I would say it is possible- but thus far, near-totally unforeshadowed- that Megatron had some hand in Sari’s creation. However, if that is the theory you’re going for... that as a theory would point more towards Megatron being abusive and exploitative towards Sari- or simply just writing her off as a tainted experiment and seeking to dispose of her.
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